Mare reproductive loass syndrome – Australia (Victoria)

Caterpillar killing unborn foals

Horse breeders could be suffering untold losses in aborted foals due to the spread of the poisonous progressionary caterpillar [ProMED-mail would be grateful to know whether this is the same creature as the processionary caterpillar and wheter it is related to the eastern tent caterpillar. – Mod.SH].

A silent killer, the progressionary (or hairy) caterpillar has spread from the Geelong region to central Victoria, where it is believed to have caused foal abortions.

A breeder from Spring Hill, between Kyneton and Trentham, lost 7 of her 15 foals this spring [2010] after seeing the caterpillars on and around her property. All of the losses came after the mares were in foal.

« A lot of breeders won’t talk about it because they are frightened people won’t bring their mares to their stud, » Ms Chesson said. « But there’s nothing you can do, you find them (the caterpillar) everywhere; on the roads and on bare ground.

« If we’ve got them here, I’m sure there would be a lot around and no one is saying anything. » Department of Primary Industries animal health manager, Tony Britt, described the problem as « sporadic » but significant for those affected. « Abortion in mares is not uncommon and there can be a range of possible causes: infection, problems with the foal and placenta in the uterus, twins… and this may well be a further possible cause, » he said. « But in terms of this being a widespread problem, it hasn’t come to the attention of the department, but that doesn’t in any way reduce (its) significance. »

Dr Britt urged concerned breeders to liaise with their vet. But for Ms Chesson, it’s already too late. « We’ve just got to cop the loss, » she said.

Source: ProMed